WB Electronics
History for iuu_phoenix
0.5 Build - Thursday, August 23, 2007
Memory leak bugfix.
Code cleaning
Validated for the official kernel integration
0.4 Build - Saturday, August 4, 2007
[New features]
Now fully compliant with openct phoenix mode.
Belgian Electronic identity card package is working now (beid on Linux)
0.3 Build - Monday, July 30, 2007
[New features]
As you can see, the new version does not use smart parameter because it is useless now. A constant polling is working and the driver doesn't need anymore to care about the data flow.

I have change "multiplicator" ( it was too long to type :=) ) by "boost"

Cdmode permit to choose the signal to use when card is inserted ( 9 choices ! )

Clockmode like before for a basic clockrate choice

Xmas for my friend who like to imagine that the iuu is a christmas tree...
0.2 Build - Tuesday, July 17, 2007
[New features]
Smart routine improved
Flush before any writing to device…
0.1 Build - Saturday, July 14, 2007
First version released.
Did you know?
Besides programming most cards natively, Infinity USB Unlimited contains an advanced Virtual ComPort (VCP) solution that makes it possible to use most Phoenix / Smartmouse compatible 3rd party software. With the USB-only interface of the Infinity USB Unlimited, the VCP eliminates the need for a hardware based COMport on the PC.

Read more here!
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